Laser Vein Treatment Pre & Post Care
Show off your legs without unsightly veins. A vein laser with its unique integrated Vein Illumination technology allows your physician to precisely treat vessels, broken capillaries, spider veins, vascular lesions, and discoloration of your skin that you can and can’t see!
Your clinician will use a vein laser to treat broken cappillaries and other visible vascular structures by gently eliminating them from the upper layers of your skin. Unwanted vessels will be heated by the laser energy and become less noticeable.
Before treatment, you will be asked to remove your make-up or moisturizer and, if needed, you will be asked to shave the area to be treated. You will not need anesthetic cream or ice prior to treatment.
Your eyes will be protected with safety shields for treatments on the periorbital area or glasses. Laser energy will be delivered precisely to the area of your skin being treated. You may feel a brief warm or hot sensation as the laser pulses are absorbed by the unwanted vessels.
There should be little to no discomfort, however it varies from patient to patient and depends on the treatment. a vein laser has integrated cooling which will improve your experience. There should be no prolonged post treatment discomfort.
- Patient response can vary. Redness and swelling around the treated vessels are usually noted within a few minutes after the completion of the procedure and typically have a “cat scratch” like appearance. A sunburn sensation and a slight feeling of soreness in the area treated are also normal and expected. These reactions tend to subside within 24-48 hours after the treatment.
- A cold compress or an ice pack can be used to provide comfort if the treated area is especially warm. This is typically only needed within the first 12 hours after the treatment. Vitamin E or Aloe Vera applied to the treatment area may provide a soothing effect.
- Post treatment discomfort is typically minimal but if the area is very uncomfortable, oral pain relievers, i.e. Extra Strength Tylenol or Advil, may be used. Avoid Aspirin or Aspirin containing products for two weeks after the treatment.
- After 48 hours, the skin over the treated veins will look slightly red, purple, or bruised. Sometimes, the veins will be more visible than they were prior to treatment. This is normal. Within the first two to three weeks, the redness and purple color will begin to fade. Each week, the color will become lighter and the veins will become less noticeable.
- If you received laser vein removal treatment to your legs, you may resume normal activity level. Avoid strenuous activities such as exercise, vigorous walking or running as this may interfere with vessel closure.
- Strictly avoid any sun exposure to the treated area for a minimum of 7 days after the procedures. The treated area is more prone to sunburn and pigmentation change. Keep the area covered and use a sun block with a protection factor of 30+, reapplying the sun block every two hours. Delayed blistering secondary to sun exposure has been noted up to 72 hours post treatment.
Just as important as the treatment, so is the care for your skin post-treatment.
Cleanse the skin two times a day with plain, lukewarm water and a gentle cleanser (i.e. Cetaphil or Cerave).
Use your hands and fingertips to cleanse using gentle patting motions for the first 48 hours.
A hydrator should be applied generously over treated area and reapplied whenever your skin feels dry. (i.e. Cetaphil or Cerave)
Sunscreen is a MUST and should be used daily beginning the day of treatment and used consistently for up to 3 months post procedure. Use sunscreen with Broadband UVA and UVB protection and use a sunscreen with broad spectrum SPF 30 or above. Ensure to reapply sunscreen every two hours during sun exposure.
Until sensitivity has completely subsided, AVOID all of the following:
- Applying make-up over the treated areas
- Use of scented lotions or soaps, exfoliant creams (Retin-A, glycolic/salicylic and alpha-hydroxy acids), acne creams or gels, loofa sponges and aggressive scrubbing
- Excessively hot water
- Shaving
- Swimming pools and spas with multiple chemicals/chlorine and severe temperature changes
- Activities that cause excessive perspiration
- Hot tubs and hot showers for 48-72 hours
To decrease any achiness or discomfort after treatment, support hose or an ace bandage MAY be helpful, and they may also help in reducing the amount of bruising.
- In the unusual case of crusting of the skin in the treated area, apply vitamin E or Aloe Vera twice a day to the affected. Do not pick at these areas, as this may result in infection or scarring.
- If the skin is broken or a blister appears, apply an antibiotic ointment and contact the office immediately. Keep the affected area moist and avoid direct sunlight.
- In rare cases, hives have been reported after laser vein removal treatments. If you experience an irritated raised rash after treatment. Contact the office. Benadryl may be taken to help relieve the itchiness.
- Subsequent treatments may be needed and are typically 4-6 weeks apart.
- The number of treatments required will depend upon the number of vessels present, the character of the vessels and your body’s ability to heal.